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Isn't it pretty?

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Random Thoughts

Okay, have to do this every once in a while to clear out some of the random things that have been going through my head. - I know I am biased, but I have to say that one of the cutest sights I get to encounter on a regular basis is my cat curled up on my lap, trying to take the attention away from whatever I am reading. If I think my cat is this cute, I just don't know how I am going to be able to handle having a baby. - I need to get more focus while I am driving. Twice in two weeks now I have hit stationery objects, and while I thankfully don't care so much about the dents and scrapes that my car is acquiring, the person whose car I scraped last night might have more feeling about it. Haven't heard from them, but I don't think I am in the clear yet. - I was talking to a very close friend of mine last night. I feel like she might have been in an unusually argumentative mood, but she was trying to convince me that when I find a guy that "can put the kids to sleep at night," that he is the guy I should marry. Forget about intellectual stimulation, I can get that elsewhere. I don't know if she has been spending too many hours with babies or what, but I corrected her and told her that, no, I need to know that my husband is capable of higher-level, abstract thinking. While I understand that not every conversation we have will be on a lofty, philosophical level, I want to know that my husband has the capacity for it, or else I might really have trouble looking up to him. - I was reading "The Apology" by Plato last night, the transcript of the defense that Socrates gave when on trial in Athens. I have to say that Socrates was quite bold, he actually attacked his accusers from the stand. I think the piece might be a bit inaccurately titled. But I found this line that I loved: "Life without enquiry is not worth living." I have a lot of respect for Socrates in this piece, with his life on the line, he absolutely refused to back down from what he believed in. I think it took a lot of courage. It reminds me of Rabbi Akiva and the many Jewish martyrs throughout history who would not abandon their faith in the face of death. - I noticed a large gash on my arm that I have absolutely no recollection of inflicting upon myself. Will I ever manage to grow out of this five-year-old boy habit of coming home scraped and bruised? - Finally, the word for the day is "BRRRR." It is so cold out and I hate it! And the word snow has been tossed around for the weekend. Here's my forecast. Hope yours is balmier than mine.


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