I'm Leaving, On a Jet Plane
I'm off to Israel tomorrow for ten days. I can't wait - both because I want to be in the Holy Land and because I need a vacation so badly. It's been seven full years, almost to the day, since I have been in Israel and I yearn to once again be at the Kotel, davening where I feel Hashem so strongly, in the place which changed my life.
It's ironic that the man who enabled me to go to Israel initially, who is responsible in many ways for the path I have taken, passed away a few days ago. He kept tabs on me throughout the years, and somewhat knows what an impact he had on my life, but I don't think he could ever really know how he touched every facet of my being and helped me grow into who I am today. If he had not accepted the call to do something for yiddishkeit, then there would be an alternative me out there that I can't even imagine. Living a completely different life, in completely different circumstances. I pray that, in this merit, Hashem blesses him many times over.
I don't have any concrete plans for my time in Israel - I wanted to be free to go and do whatever I wanted whenever. I want to be open to interesting and surprising experiences and to chase whatever comes my way. I will be wandering, thinking, dreaming and really living like you can't anywhere else in the world.
Blogging will be light until I get back - I will have my computer with me, but don't know how much time I will have for blogging, but will hopefully be posting some updates and pictures of my trip.
Tomorrow - Yerushalayim bound!
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