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Isn't it pretty?

Friday, November 26, 2004


After procrastinating for the past two months, I have finally started my paper that is due on Monday (that starting is always the worst part). My paper is about bias in intelligence testing. Apparently it wasn't always the popular notion that Jews are smarter than everyone else. Once I finish my paper, I might post a bit more about the topic - I have mixed feelings about the use of intelligence testing in general and hate how it has been used to discriminate in the past but I don't necessarily feel that it is a worthless medium. Anyway, I have written about half my paper so I decided such hard work was worth a blog break. I have several things I want to write about, but don't really have the time to develop them fully at the moment. I watched the movie "Stepford Wives" yesterday and found it extremely interesting. It gave me a lot to think about on the topic of "perfect" and how perfect is often boring and not at all what someone thinks it will be. I watched "The Bachelor" the other night and was extremely pleasantly surprised to see two people on television who really seemed to be in love and want to spend the rest of their lives with each other. I don't think I have ever before seen such a heartfelt moment on reality TV. I was actually brought to tears by it (but don't tell anyone). For my friend who wants to be the next Bachelor, here is the application. I heard Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky speak the other night about Chanukah, prioritizing and holding onto dreams. His shiur brought more tears to my eyes (okay, I am a softie, I admit it). But his message was absolutely beautiful and I really hope to give it an entire blog post in the very near future. Finally, just thought I would share some of the ways people found my blog that I found a bit amusing. People were referred to my blog by searching for the following terms: Frumster (several times) Here's a hint - go here. Star-K shidduch Go here. Chasidish Skirts I don't think anyone who knows me would accuse me of knowing where to find those. Chasidish bad girls Again, wrong place for that one. Blog basketball Lakewood I didn't know people in Lakewood played basketball, much less had blogs about it. Ways in which a rose is similar to a person In beauty and lovely fragrance of course. Each prayer accepted and each wish resigned (You should have heard Rabbi Orlofsky - don't resign your wishes yet) Have a wonderful Shabbos and a great weekend!


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