Haveil Havalim #91 - Extra Hour Edition
Even with the extra hour the end of Daylight Savings Time has afforded me, I still didn't manage to round up all the posts I would have liked. There are just SO many interesting and thought-provoking posts in the J-Blogosphere, that it would be impossible to list them all. I've tried to cover a good number, and I whole-heartedly apologize to any that were not included. (I also apolgize if you submitted anything that wasn't included - I'm still no expert with Gmail, and it's possible something got lost - it was not intentional if it did happen.)
Most editions of HH manage to be organized, but anyone who knows me well, knows that organization and categorization is not my strong suit, so here it is, in no particular order - Haveil Havalim #91!
Yitzchak Goodman at JudeoPundit comments on the illiteracy of American Jews.
Mensa Barbie (who gets huge points for such a cool blog name) posts about Russia stating the Hezbollah is Unlikely to Disarm (not news to most of us).
The Jewish Blogmeister discusses the kashrut status of Campbell's Soup - very important this time of year as it's getting cold. The Blogmeister also points out a new kashrut search engine, along with beginning his own round-ups - I thought he was going to take over my job for a second!
My Right Word talks about the latest fashion trent - swastikas - nice (not!!).
Batya at Shiloh Musings discusses attitudes towards settlers in Israel.
Israel Matzav reports on the South African reported who is banned because she's Jewish, along with other posts about Egypt deploying troops to Philadelphi and why voluntary transfer of Palestineans is a good idea.
MordyS, guest-posting at Serandez, posted about the unique qualities of Jews in Israel and why he loves it there.
Ezzie himself posted about the Waterbury yeshiva and the controversy(?) over their housing and how, maybe, it's a positive thing and he also has started a series on the economic difficulties of being frum, which is a topic that most people seem able to relate to.
Esser Agaroth (two cents) discusses Jewish labor in Israel, and whether Israel has a racist system.
The Elder of Ziyon discusses the "evil settlers" and their "horrendous crimes" of, oh yeah, helping out their neighbors, the Palestineans. Horrible, awful people.
Bagel Blogger, who has very cute graphics all over his blog, discusses the ongoing controversy of a boy, his troubling bris and Bar Mitzvah and the broohaha surrounding it.
Baleboosteh has the first pics of Madonna's new baby, David, along with updates from Down Under about the apprehension of those who attacked an Orthodox Jew.
Jonathan Rosenblum, over at Cross-Currents, writes about the "miracles" of charitable organizations and their success.
The Town Crier reminds us all to be aware of October. He also notes the appearance of an Orthodox Jewish woman who swaps households with a Southern Christian one on the TV show "Trading Spouses." One of my co-workers actually told me about the show, said it was fascinating.
Over at Campus J, Perel Skier draws our attention to Daniel Kurtzer's call for withdrawal from Iraq.
Joshua Waxman, at ParshaBlog, is brave, posting videos (not just photos) of his divrei Torah for parshas Noach. Warning - not for watching on Shabbos!
BeyondBT offers a number of thought-provoking posts this week, including one from Neil Harris, also of Modern Uberdox, about Hebrew names and their significance, a post from David Linn entitled "A Succos Reawakening" and Akiva draws our attention to "A Touchy Subject."
Irina, who I had the opportunity to meet last week, responds to a post by Ezzie about the Democratic ad campaign, and also posts about the need for domestic violence shelters for Jewish women in the United States.
Rafi G, at Life in Israel, has a number of good posts this week, including an "Only in Israel" story (which I am a big fan of), a post about not letting people put you in boxes, and warning against getting the flu shot.
Yitz, at Heichal HeNegina, writes about The Rhiziner and his stories, and the Piaseczno Rebbe. Neil from Modern Uberdox and BeyondBT also posts about the yahrzeit of Harav Kalonymous Kalman Shapiro, zt"l
Bec writes about how cooking is classified by neighborhood and how she can't wait to cook like an Israeli.
Mottel, over at Letters of Thought, writes a post about nothing, kinda reminiscent of Seinfeld.
Israel at Level Ground posts a podcast about the basketball championship that played out the same time that the Gaza pullout did.
West Bank Mama blogs about her 1-year blogging anniversary! Yasher Koach - and many more years to come!
Avromi at DafNotes tells us about the purpose for the mechitzah and why we center the bima in shul.
Jack, one of the most prolific bloggers around, posts about the proposed eruv around the beaches in LA. He also posts an incredibly touching post about his dreams for his children.
A Simple Jew mentions the random passing of two bloggers in the night - no official meet and greet, but they were both there. Who knows how many bloggers you pass on a daily basis, without even knowing it? I actually got the fortune to meet two bloggers this week - who did you meet?
Daled Amos points out the difference between Saudi Arabia and New Jersey. Phew! I though for a second that there was none!
SimplyJews points out that kidnappers don't care what race or nationality the journalist is - they are equal opportunity when it comes to kidnapping. Glad to know they don't discriminate. They also offer a couple posts about the BBC.
Soccer Dad has a post by Daled Amos about hate crimes statistics
Failed Messiah has had a number of very good posts lately. I was particularly impressed and touched by this one about the right form of kiruv.
Jameel over at the Muqata lists a number of inventions and innovations born in Israel - just a small number of the amazing things that come from the Holy Land.
Ricky Ricardo at Unenlightenment, from my favorite town, Baltimore, points out an article in the Baltimore Jewish Times about a miracle Bat Mitzvah.
PsychoToddler posts a pictoral journey from Milwaukee to New York via train, kids in tow. He's a brave man, or at least, he was 10 years ago when he braved such an adventure. He also writes the harrowing story of his car being vandalized.
Neo-Neocon posts about a trip to the Palais de Justice
House of Joy gives a touching account of the growth, in many ways, she did with her now husband.
Chaim at Life-of-Rubin writes a disturbing post about violence in Crown Heights - by children on children. Very scary.
AirTime discusses the kids' favorite Israeli treats (ok, he likes them too).
The Fancy Schmancy Anxiety Maven lets us know that Fraggle Rock is soon coming to a theater near you! Yay!
Finally, AbbaGav, and Ezzie, ask readers to weigh in on their favorite blog names. Go visit and vote for the most creative and funny ones.
Thank you very much to Soccer Dad, who organizes and maintains the Haveil Havalim, and sent me a number of great posts. Next week's HH is at Jerusalem Games. You can submit posts here. Have a great week!
Technorati tags: haveil havalim, blog carnival.
nice job!
lots of reading for later :)
Sarah Likes Green, at 10/29/06, 4:24 PM
great round-up. Will keep me busy at work tomorrow!!!
Anonymous, at 10/29/06, 4:30 PM
Thanks for your hard work :) I should do one of these sometime.
Anonymous, at 10/29/06, 4:45 PM
Great Job!
Thank you for the links.
Anonymous, at 10/29/06, 4:59 PM
Superb job and no I had no intetions of taking away your job :)
AS, at 10/29/06, 7:23 PM
Woah. Great job. I'm going to have something to do at work this week... :)
Ezzie, at 10/29/06, 8:17 PM
Great job Shoshana! What a list!
Baleboosteh, at 10/29/06, 8:40 PM
Nice job. Yasher koach.
Jack Steiner, at 10/29/06, 9:10 PM
Holy Moley!
PsychoToddler, at 10/29/06, 10:39 PM
This is awesome! Thanks for the links! : )
Irina Tsukerman, at 10/30/06, 12:11 AM
Welcome to the HHHost club!
Batya, at 10/30/06, 12:29 AM
Thanks for doing this and inspiring me. If I ever do this I would shoot for it to be similar in style. This was very well done.
rabbi neil fleischmann, at 10/30/06, 3:17 AM
Thanks for including me, and for a job beautifully done!
yitz, at 10/30/06, 3:21 AM
Nice job and thanks for the link.
westbankmama, at 10/30/06, 4:11 AM
Thanks everyone - glad you enjoyed!
Aishel - You should do one - keep the HH pride in Baltimore!
JBlogmeister - Maybe you could take over the job one of these days, you do an excellent round-up on a daily basis.
Ezzie - LOL, I know you need it for the next month or two.
Muse - Thanks for making me part of the club.
Rabbi Neil - Who says things have to be organized?
Aaron - Awesome graphic on your blog - I wish I knew how to do that kind of thing.
Shoshana, at 10/30/06, 9:14 AM
wow! Gonna keep me busy for hours!
ggggg, at 10/30/06, 12:56 PM
Woah. Great job. I'm going to have something to do at work this week...
If you are looking for something to do let me know.I 'll set aside an hour or two to keep you covered. ;)
Jack Steiner, at 10/30/06, 5:56 PM
what a cute idea!
David_on_the_Lake, at 10/30/06, 9:31 PM
I did have Seinfeld when I wrote the post . . .
Mottel, at 10/30/06, 10:18 PM
Oy, I have a lot of reading to do. Thanks for the plugs!!
Neil Harris, at 10/30/06, 11:25 PM
Great list! Thanks!
Anonymous, at 10/30/06, 11:56 PM
thanks and thanks again!
bec, at 10/31/06, 12:57 AM
Good job and thank you.
Lab Rab, at 10/31/06, 1:11 AM
Thanks for all the blog links!
fashionista, at 11/1/06, 12:52 PM
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