An Update
I don't know if anyone will read this, since I said goodbye several months ago. I didn't expect to blog again, and I don't expect to continue now. But so many things have changed that I felt the need to post an update.
I'm getting married in a week and a day.
Everything has changed so dramatically in my life since my last post that it's hard to quantify it. But yes, I'm getting married to a wonderful man who makes me incredibly happy. This relationship is so incredibly different from any others I've experienced. I can't wait to start my life with him.
The experience of finding a man who I am going to marry has made me do so much thinking, without finding a lot of answers. All I know now is that I have no idea why things happen when they do. But I do know this - my fiance said to me the day after we met, about an event that seemed awful, that I would look back and see that the bad event was the best thing that could have happened. And I now do.
I know I don't always get such quick positive hindsight, but I do see that he's right for most situations. I have no idea why I've gone through some things in my life, but I do see that they have made me who I am. And while there are a few things that I admit I regret, in general, I like to think I've learned and matured from my experiences.
It's said that on your wedding day, you get the opportunity to start anew. While I love that in some respects, I also don't want to forget all the lessons I've learned through my struggles and mistakes. And when I look at my fiance and see how we fit together so well, I realize that it wouldn't be so without all those past experiences. So I can look back and know that it was all for the best. And that's a great place to be.
I still have your blogs in my Reader :)
So excited to share in your simcha!
SaraK, at 6/9/09, 1:42 PM
That is wonderful news, congratulations and good luck! Feel free to post more updates -- we're still here!
Anonymous, at 6/9/09, 2:09 PM
Mazel tov!!! I'm very happy for you and your fiancé :-)
I wish you all the best and a big, happy family.
As for your blog - I still subscribe to it through Google, always hoping you might write something again.
Unknown, at 6/9/09, 7:17 PM
Beautiful. :)
It's said that on your wedding day, you get the opportunity to start anew. While I love that in some respects, I also don't want to forget all the lessons I've learned through my struggles and mistakes.
Great point. I think that starting anew is that you are starting from a new baseline - one that is post all those lessons already learned.
Ezzie, at 6/9/09, 8:21 PM
Mazal tov!!
mother in israel, at 6/10/09, 11:58 AM
A Simple Jew, at 6/10/09, 1:27 PM
Mazal tov! (got this message from Life in Israel)
miriam, at 6/10/09, 4:55 PM
I'm so happy for you!
Wishing you a lifetime of happiness!
SuperRaizy, at 6/10/09, 7:45 PM
jsut found you
lars shalom, at 6/11/09, 10:52 AM
Mazel Tov.
Soccer Dad, at 6/11/09, 3:25 PM
Mazel tov!
Ahuva, at 6/21/09, 10:41 AM
Now THIS is a fitting goodbye post! Congratulations on your wedding.
e-kvetcher, at 6/22/09, 10:02 PM
Congratulations, that's good news indeed.
Now you will be able to get back to blogging ;-)
SnoopyTheGoon, at 6/25/09, 8:49 AM
Mazal Tov! Just saw a link to here on the latest havel Havalim.
rabbi neil fleischmann, at 6/28/09, 5:44 AM
Dont know what made me come here since I stopped scrolling the blogs a long time ago (about the same time you did.) Really glad I checked in though. Mazal Tov! Reading this pretty much made my night.
JT, at 6/29/09, 1:09 AM
Super Duper Mazal Freakin Tov
smoo, at 6/30/09, 3:41 PM
WOW!!!! Thats the best news I heard in months...
Sorry I just saw this today..
SemGirl, at 7/10/09, 2:20 AM
Belated Mazel Tov!
Karl, at 8/5/09, 11:13 PM
Better late than never- Mazal Tov!
Jack Steiner, at 9/14/09, 10:55 AM
mazal tov sr!
Anonymous, at 1/26/10, 10:22 PM
mazzal tov! and you know- at this moment i feel the same. i just realise that i am summery of my experience but its nice, it gives me better understanding of life makes me more patient..i hope you will be even more happy after the merriage. keep blogging
dovik@israel, at 2/15/10, 10:53 AM
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